Monday, April 21, 2014

We are not a Christian shop

We are not a Christian shop. We may hire you, but your religion has nothing to do with it.

You will be expected to work with coworkers who may not be Christian, including gays, Jews, Muslims, Atheists, and many others, whom your religion may not agree with.

We do not have Christian policies. Things like holy days will be ignored. You may be expected to work on Christmas, Easter, the Christian Sabath and other holy days, as your coworkers will work their holy days, if needed.

We are not a Christian shop, so, when dealing with the public, you will not show Christian signs or emblems on your person

During your free time, you may proselytize your coworkers, but be expected to be proselytized by Catholics, Muslims, Buddhists, Witches, atheists , and others, other than Jews and gays. As far as we know, Jews and gays do not proselytize.

This is not a Christian shop.